Clients I see are experiencing more stress and anxiety than ever before. Whether it is the political environment, instability and conflict in the world, lack of civility or connection in our lives, or issues from our relationships or our past, people are suffering and feeling anxious in body, mind and spirit.  Here are some ways to focus on healing and staying centered: 

4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Increase Well-Being and Calm

Focus on your physical well-being

Quality sleep, good nutrition and drinking plenty of water give us more resilience for stressful days.  Limit your screen time well before bedtime. Scrolling through social media at night or going through your emails hurts your chances of falling asleep because we aren’t disengaging from the world, and the blue light triggers the brain into thinking it is time to stay awake. Make your bedroom a sanctuary where sleeping in a comfortable, quiet, dark space is a priority.  Take time to move your body daily.


Carve out time to walk or exercise every day that raises your heart rate, creates endorphins, and calms your spirit.  Daily aerobic exercise and meditation are as effective as anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications. 

woman meditating on beach looking out at calm ocean wavesYoga, Tai Chi or other mindful body movement are excellent ways to calm your body, mind and spirit. Care for your emotional and spiritual health by taking time to be still in your body, breathe and meditate.  Starting each day with quiet time is one of the most effective ways to care for yourself.  Upon awakening, settle into a meditation spot and sit for 20 minutes focusing on the breath and letting thoughts float by like clouds in the sky.  Resist the temptation to start your day by reading the news or checking social media on your phone.

Refrain from letting your meditation time turn into the organizing of your day or processing thoughts or even feelings, simply be still in your body and breathe.  Meditation is a powerful way to come back to a centered place, feel renewed and shift into a higher, more positive state of mind. 


After meditating for a while, you may ask yourself why we spend so much time on the outer shallow circumference of our lives, and neglect the rich, deep interior where we remember we are loved, lovable and loving. Our very nature is love; love is who we are, not something we do. Give yourself the gift of taking time for a simple pleasure daily – watch the sunrise or sunset or moon rise, look at the flowers growing in your yard, think of someone or some pet that you love and let yourself smile.  

Reach Out For Support

Take care of your mental health by talking to someone or reaching out to a therapist. If you find yourself feeling anxious or down, call me to make an appointment.  Getting in touch with, sharing and processing your emotions help you resolve issues from the past that may be affecting how you are reacting to the present. 

I can help you begin or strengthen a meditation practice.   I teach breathwork and meditation to relieve stress and help clients find a deeper sense of peace and calm. To learn more about counseling, breathwork, meditation, or anxiety treatment, contact me at 561/866-6607