“We do not think ourselves into new ways for living,
we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”


Preventative mental health care helps us make use of daily, health enhancing activities that keep us from self destructive and self medicating behaviors which undermine our happiness and personal and professional success.  The focus is on learning and utilizing ways to manage our moods naturally and achieve a calm, optimal state of mind and heart so we don’t turn to synthetic or artificial solutions to achieve a state of well being.


Elizabeth provides therapeutic yoga for emotional healing. Therapeutic yoga involves using the breath and gentle body movement to help clients release pent-up, stuck emotions that may actually be causing physical pain. Yoga is an effective way to physically improve strength, balance and flexibility.  Yoga also has mental and emotional benefits that come from toning the nervous system and improving breath control. Dr. Timothy McCall, author of Yoga As Medicine (2007) writes that those who practice yoga “tend to be stronger, more energetic, thinner, more flexible, more youthful and centered than those who do not practice.

Breath work

Elizabeth utilizes different breath techniques with clients to help them get back to their peaceful center, calm the mind, improve sleep, reduce anxiety and lift their mood. Breath work strengthens our immune system, improves our cognitive function, gets more oxygen into the body which strengthens our cardiovascular system and improves our digestion. Intentional breath work almost immediately triggers the body’s relaxation response.  A meta-analysis of trials from breath work researcher Guy Fincham drew links between the practice of breath work and lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression.  An evidence-based review of breath work interventions found significant improvements in those with anxiety disorders. Utilizing the breath while using somatic psychotherapy allows me to help clients feel, process and dissolve difficult experiences and emotions.


Just as the breath calms the body, meditation calms the mind.  Meditation has physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits.  Elizabeth guides her clients in different styles of meditating to determine which form is most effective in giving them the deepest sense of wellbeing, maintain equanimity and handle difficult situations.  Meditation has been proven to change the brain in ways that correlate with less stress and depression, less pain and anxiety, and a stronger immune system. Elizabeth teaches Meditation workshops throughout the year.

Nutritional and Wellness counseling

Hippocrates, who is considered the Father of medicine, wrote “Let food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” What we eat affects our mood, energy level, focus, and sleep.  Elizabeth helps clients identify how their eating habits can improve their physical and psychological health. She is able to assist clients with healthy shopping, preparing and eating strategies to support their nutritional goals, and identify and resolve emotional overeating.


Reiki is a high vibrational, spiritually guided life force energy that is very healing in nature. Elizabeth offers this healing touch technique to increase vitality and energy, support the body’s natural ability to heal itself, reduce stress and promote a loving, gentle spirit.