Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling to connect with your partner in your relationship? There might be alienation issues, a lack of attachment, and negative patterns that keep you from experiencing the bond a healthy couple deserves. 

Needless to say, these unhealthy characteristics can become worse over time if something isn’t done to stop the negative patterns and replace them with positive ones. 

Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is one of the best ways to do that. While it can work for individuals and families, as well, EFT is a great way to move your relationship from isolation to deep connection. 

Let’s take a closer look at how emotionally focused therapy can transform your relationship, and what to expect if you decide it’s the right move.

How Does Emotionally Focused Therapy Work?

The main goal of EFT in relationships is to secure the bond you have with your partner. When you strengthen that attachment, you’re more likely to feel empathy for each other. A better connection makes it easier to break away from negative patterns and learn how to communicate effectively with each other. 

EFT focuses on a few key principles to help couples reach that goal, including understanding how emotions work and the role they play in relationships, how attachment patterns influence behaviors, and how negative cycles can create continued distress. 

When you break down the negative things that could be holding your relationship back, you can rebuild from the ground up. EFT can help. It serves as a safe and secure environment where you can feel comfortable growing with your partner. You’ll learn how to create new interaction patterns and habits. You’ll also work on exploring and understanding your emotions, as well as what your partner is feeling. 

Finally, EFT will help you accept yourself for who you are, while showing empathy and compassion for your partner. It’s essential to break down those toxic walls so you can create a firm foundation for your relationship. 

photo of a woman and a man sitting together in front of a lake smiling at one anotherWhat Are the Benefits of EFT?

Using the core principles listed above, couples can experience a variety of benefits while going through EFT. The biggest benefit, perhaps, is greater satisfaction within the relationship. When you learn to better understand your own emotions, as well as your partner’s, you can form a deeper connection. 

A greater emotional connection often snowballs into more compassion, empathy, and care. Those are all fantastic ways to help your relationship feel more fulfilling and happy. 

Additionally, you’ll strengthen your emotional bond as a couple. One of the biggest reasons why people try EFT is because they’re struggling with attachment issues. When you don’t feel secure in your relationship, problems happen far too often. Strengthening your emotional bond helps to combat distress and improve harmony within your relationship. 

A deep emotional connection will always be transformative. If your relationship is struggling when it comes to finding that connection and you can’t seem to show empathy to each other, EFT can help you step into that transformation together. 

What to Expect

What you experience during EFT sessions will largely be based on your goals and desires for your relationship. However, you can expect to have conversations centered on emotions, as well as structured exercises. You can also expect to take some of the work home with you. EFT is designed to produce long-term results, but only if you’re willing to put in the work with your partner. 

The first step in benefiting from emotionally focused therapy is to find a therapist you’re happy to work with. Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about EFT or if you’re ready to set up your first appointments as a couple.