Emotions will always demand to be felt. You can’t control them. But, you do control how you express them. While some people have a hard time keeping their emotions in, others have a difficult time expressing themselves, at all. 

Trying to bottle your emotions up will usually make them stronger. Think of putting a lid on a bottle of carbonated liquid and shaking it up. Eventually, the top will pop. The same happens when you bottle up your emotions. Eventually, you’ll release them in ways that might be unhealthy. 

So, what can you do to express your emotions effectively, especially if it tends to be difficult for you? Let’s cover a few helpful strategies. 

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Crying black woman sharing problems with friend One reason why you might not be able to express your emotions so easily is that you’re trying to deny them. Some emotions can be harder to deal with than others. But, they all deserve your attention and acceptance.

Again, you can’t control which feelings come and go. But, you can choose what to do about them. Even if a negative emotion comes to the surface, acknowledge it. Describe it to yourself, or to another person. It can even help to have a journal nearby so you can jot down what you’re feeling and why you think that emotion came forward. 

Acknowledging your emotions is a small thing that can make a big difference as you work on expressing yourself effectively. The sooner you acknowledge what you’re feeling, the easier it will be to understand why. 

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a wonderful strategy for combatting issues like anxiety or depression. But, it can also make it easier to dive deeper into your emotions. Mindfulness allows you to stay grounded in the present. You can become more in tune with your feelings. 

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, and exhale through your nose. Focus on every sensation you’re feeling in that moment. What do you smell, hear, and feel? By focusing on your emotions in the present, you can process them more effectively and become less stressed about expressing them to others. 

Find Ways to Be Expressive

Even if you have a hard time expressing your emotions through words, there are other ways to express yourself that are healthy, rather than harmful. Consider tapping into your creative side. Play an instrument. Write a poem. Paint a picture. You don’t have to be a talented artist to express your emotions freely, and you might find that using creative outlets gives you the opportunity to be more vulnerable without having to worry about judgment from others. 

Don’t Focus on Perfection

Expressing your emotions, even to people you’re close with, can be nerve-wracking. You might be worried that you’ll say the wrong thing or that people will change their opinion of you. But, practicing some kind of perfect script will only make you more anxious. 

Don’t worry about saying things perfectly, and don’t focus on only positive emotions. Instead, be yourself as you talk about your feelings. It’s okay to share your struggles as well as the things that make you happy. You might find that others deal with the same things. 

If you’re still struggling to express your emotions effectively, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. Depression therapy can help you better understand your emotions and what might be triggering certain ones. You’ll also learn even more strategies for expressing yourself effectively, and in healthy ways. 

Once you feel more confident in what you’re feeling, you’ll have an easier time opening up about it. You’ll also be more assured in your own emotions, and recognize that you have more control over how you respond to them than you may have ever realized before.