Abba Poeman, one of the early Desert Fathers in the Christian spiritual tradition wrote, “Teach your mouth to say what is in your heart.” Prayer in this spiritual tradition is described as bringing one’s thinking down into the heart. This is something we can learn and practice in Spiritual Direction.

Richard Rohr teaches it this way: “Next time a resentment, a negativity, or irritation comes into your mind, and you want to play it out or attach to it, move that thought or person literally down into your heart space.” Thoughts remain in the head, but take your negative thought and move it into your heart where you can imagine it being surrounded by the blood surrounding your heart space.  Breathe into it, and envelop it with silence.  From this space, it is much harder to judge or remain resentful or antagonistic.

Rohr continues, “Love lives and thrives in the heart space.  Love has kept me from wanting to hurt people who have hurt me.  It keeps me every day from obsessive or compulsive head games.  It can make the difference between being happy and being miserable and negative.  Could this be what we are really doing when we say we are praying for someone? Yes, we are holding them in our heart space.”  Try this in the physical sense described above and see how calmly and quickly it works.

Spiritual Direction and Counseling Services in Boca

If you would like to learn more about teaching your mouth to say what is in your heart or about how to live out of our loving center, contact Elizabeth Pankey-Warren for counseling or Spiritual Direction, or call her on 561 866-6607.