More and more studies document the benefits of regular exercise. As Hippocrates said, more than 2,400 years ago, “walking is the best medicine.” The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, which has been tracking the health behaviors of more than 200,000 women for more than three decades, has shown that “moderate walking for an average of 30 minutes of day can lower the risk of heart disease, stoke and diabetes by 30 – 40% and the risk of breast cancer by 20 – 30%. “ And walking gets us outside in the beauty of nature, can be social, and has overwhelmingly positive side effects.
The health benefits of walking include:
It protects our heart
It reduces our risk of diabetes
It helps lower blood pressure
It helps us maintain our balance as we age
It counteracts the effect of weight-promoting genes
It reduces the risk of developing breast cancer
It helps tame a sweet tooth
It improves sleep
It increases our energy levels
It sharpens our thinking
It eases joint pain
It strengthens our immune system
It can lengthen our life
Mental Health Counseling Benefits
As it relates to mental health counseling, research has shown that regular walking boosts our mood. Even for severe depression, walking is a validated remedy. In fact, according to a study published in The Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, walking has been shown to be as effective as anti-depressant medications. The study prescribed either an antidepressant or 30 minutes of walking or jogging three times a week for a group of men and women diagnosed with major depression. The results: there were similar improvements in both the medicine and the only walking groups.
So, if you are dealing with depression, take your anti depressant if it has been prescribed, get into therapy to uncover and resolve the underlying cause of depression, and take a walk!
Adapted from the Harvard Health, Guide To Healthy Living (2018)
Contact Elizabeth Pankey-Warren or call 561 866-6607 for help with depression.