EMDR is becoming a more popular form of therapy across the country. While it’s not a new practice, it is being used to treat more conditions, including multiple anxiety disorders. 

However, there is still so much people don’t know about it—including what to expect after completing it. 

By educating yourself on EMDR and what to expect both during and after your sessions, you can make a more informed decision as to whether it’s the right treatment option for you. 

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at what to expect after completing EMDR, and how it can help whether you’re struggling with PTSD or anxiety. 

What to Expect After a Session

Before we dive into what you can expect after completing EMDR, let’s talk a bit about how you might feel after each session. 

This type of therapy is unique in that it isn’t meant to be a long-term process. While you might attend traditional talk therapy for years, EMDR is designed to be completed in 6 to 12 sessions. Some people even require fewer sessions. 

While that’s great for those who are looking for help quickly, it also means you’re likely to feel a lot of intensity and changes after each session. 

close up of person's eyeIt’s not uncommon to experience a heightened sense of awareness after an EMDR session. Some people even experience extremely realistic dreams or slight lightheadedness. These symptoms will even out after a while, and they’re completely normal. 

You might feel emotionally sensitive and/or physically tired. That’s okay, too! Your mind and body go through a lot during a typical session, and it’s never a bad idea to go home and rest or do some relaxing, deep breathing exercises. 

How You Might Feel After a Few Sessions

When you’ve completed anywhere from 2 to 4 sessions, you’re likely to see some real changes. For example, your initial memories might not be as distressing or overwhelming as they once were. 

That doesn’t mean they’re gone completely, but you should start to feel as though they don’t have as much control. 

You also might be less “triggered” by things that really got to you before. Things that would send you spiraling with fear no longer have the same grip. You’ll feel that sense of “calm” in both your mind and body leading up to your last few sessions.

What Happens When You’re Done?

So, what can you expect after completing all of your EMDR sessions?

Most importantly, you can expect to feel relieved. The goal is that you’ll no longer have the weight of fear, trauma, or anxiety on your shoulders, threatening to cripple your every move. 

Going through EMDR doesn’t mean the traumatic memories or anxious thoughts disappear. Thoughts will still come and go. However, it changes the way you see them and respond to them. 

If a traumatic thought enters your mind after your EMDR sessions, you should be able to stay calm while thinking about it and develop a sort of acceptance of it. Something negative happened. It impacted your life, but you’ve been able to work through it and it doesn’t control your life now. 

EMDR also makes it possible to work through any feelings of grief or sadness you might still struggle with when those memories come up. It makes it easier for them to remain in your “memory bank” and not become negative, intrusive thoughts. 

Simply put, EMDR puts you back in control of your own life and mind, no matter what triggering traumatic events are knocking at the door. If you have an interest in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact me to set up an appointment or for more information on what to expect with EMDR Therapy.