The Emotional Impact of Being Raised by a Narcissistic Parent
No parent is perfect. But, if you were raised by a caregiver who provided for your physical and emotional needs, you were likely able to develop a secure attachment.
No parent is perfect. But, if you were raised by a caregiver who provided for your physical and emotional needs, you were likely able to develop a secure attachment.
Everyone wants to feel like they belong and that they’re accepted. That’s especially true in romantic relationships. It’s important to feel like your partner loves, wants, and accepts you for who you are.
Going through a traumatic experience at any stage of life can take a toll on your mental well-being. While there’s no denying that mental health treatment is often the most effective way to manage and overcome the effects of trauma, it’s important to look to the physical side of healing, too.
Millions of people in the United States alone take antidepressants to help them deal with symptoms caused by a depressive disorder. That number has shown a steady increase in the last few years.
Are you feeling sluggish, fatigued, unmotivated, and maybe even sad and hopeless? That might sound like the beginning of an advertisement for some miracle solution, but before we get into any strategies to help those symptoms, it’s important to understand why they’re present.
Anxiety impacts millions of people across the world. It’s one of the most common mental health disorders, which explains why so many people are constantly trying to find symptom relief.
Depression is often cyclical. It’s more than just feelings of sadness. It can create thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness that tend to show up in patterns.
If you have trouble sleeping at night, you’re not alone. According to a study by the CDC, over 14% of adults in the U.S. have difficulty falling asleep at night, and even more have trouble staying asleep.
There’s no denying that trauma wreaks havoc on a person’s mental health. The impact of a traumatic experience can affect your life for years. It can even lead to other mental health issues like anxiety or depression.
While focusing on your partner is important, you can’t ignore your own well-being. That includes being kind, considerate, and compassionate with your own feelings.